viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


People don't usually believe any story at all until their eyes receive a proof of what someone is telling them, and I have it.

This picture was taken during a normal model photo shoot or at least it seemed like "normal" some nude pics for a calendar... boobies and you know. When the photographer finished the photo shoot he went home and took a look to the pics he took that day on his laptop but a picture had something weird that seemed like looking at the camera at first he thought it was only his finger on the picture or something, but in that moment he said to himself "come on... I've been working on this for 20 years it's impossible for me to make a mistake like that" and when he zoomed the picture he founded out that it wasn't nothing that could be cathegorized in the concept of "normal" months later of the incident the photographer was found in the Psychiatrist Hospital of London until the today nobody have never explained the picture.

*If you're susceptible I recommend not to see the picture*

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